About Me

Holly Press Fibers' owner, Elizabeth, glancing at the camera on a wonderfully windy day at Tintagel with the sea in the background.

   A bit about me 

I began knitting as a 7-year-old in the back seat of our vintage lime green VW bus on our way to Portland to visit an aunt. That first masterpiece was a bonnet complete with ear holes and a pom-pom for my pet squirrel… okay, stuffed animal squirrel! I still have that squirrel, Cooper, named after my aunt’s cat. (Oh, the irony!)
Squirrel stuffed animal with muted orange hand knit bonnet topped with tiny pom pom.
Fast forward, I returned to knitting in 2005 and was glad to see the eyelash yarn and such frills phase go away quietly.    😦 Sorry, but those are the facts!  I now split my time between hand-dyeing yarn, knitting, and dreaming of my next color combo or project (oh and raising my kiddos with my steadfast hubbie, let’s not forget that!)

How did Holly Press Fibers get its name if there isn't a "Holly"?

My Grandpa Carl worked at a regular 9-5 job in downtown Chicago as a printer where he was nicknamed "Holly" as a play on his last name.  He also set up a print shop in the basement of their large home on Ridge Avenue. He called it Holly Press. He had 2 enormous printing presses, type cases, a paper cutter that probably weighed a ton and various other gadgets. Five of his daughters, my mom and aunts, learned to set type and operate the presses! After sweeping up on a Saturday afternoon, the sisters would strap on their roller skates and race around the aisles that formed a big circle. Sometimes there would be popcorn or even a Pepsi (a bottle for each person – gasp!). To this day Holly Press and Grandpa Carl remain a source of pride and fond remembrance.
Holly Press Fibers is a nod to both my grandpa and his love of the printed word, as well as mom and aunts and their creative, artistic natures! Now I create hand-dyed treasures many of which are inspired by my love of nature and literature.
I value diversity and inclusivity.  I strive to nurture an environment where everyone feels wanted and welcome.

Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly. Micah 6:8